Role Description - Volunteer Coordinator

The primary purpose of this role is to strengthen and grow the MLRR volunteer team through recruitment, communication and social bonding events.

Some of the specific duties include:

  • Explore and institute fresh ways to recruit new volunteers.
  • Encourage more involvement from volunteers.
  • Attend MLRR events that offer the opportunity to recruit volunteers.
  • Review volunteer applications, send a welcome email (or phone call) and pass them onto our coordinators through email introductions.
  • Interview potential volunteers either in person or via phone to assess their level of interest, dedication and qualification for coordinator and/or assistant positions.
  • Organize at least one volunteer appreciation event per year with the assistance of our Event Coordinator.
  • Organize volunteer meet-ups (maybe monthly or bi-monthly?) to strengthen and bond the MLRR team.
  • Clean up and update our list of volunteers in our database programs.
  • Learn and use MLRR’s email program to communicate with volunteers and notify volunteer opportunities to supporters.

The ideal candidate has a positive energy, loves people and social gatherings. Estimated commitment is 10-15 hours per month. If you are interested in this role, please fill out a volunteer application here. Please make a note of your desired position under Volunteer Interests - Other.