


My name is Memphis and the vet thinks I am about 2 years old. I have had a rough go of things lately, but am on the mend and looking for my forever family. Everyone I meet says I am a real trooper…last year I had two casts on my back legs and could still get around like a champ!

A car hit me and that left my back left leg a little wonky. It hurts if I sit like most dogs, so I prefer to sit with my hip to the side a bit. And, I had hip surgery on my right side too. I have since recovered from everything and was cleared by the doctor to run and play. Woo hoo! Thing is, I don’t know how to do that. My foster family has been trying to teach me to catch balls and sticks, and I love to run after them. But I’m not sure what to do with the ball once I get it and I like to eat sticks…but I keep trying! The vet said that my back legs will never be 100%, but I’m able to run and play and will get stronger the more active I am!

I would definitely like a yard to play in with a fence to keep my safe. I don’t run after squirrels, bunnies and rabbits so much, but I do bark a lot at strangers. My fosters are working with me on this too. My foster family says I have quite a deep bark and may scare very small kids.
I have this teeny naughty habit of barking a lot when the doorbell rings. I am working on this and am learning to go to my bed when I hear the doorbell. I sleep in my bed in a giant house (crate) each night. My foster family goes up a set of something (I think stairs), but I have never been up the stairs at their house. My foster mom tried to show me how to go up them, but I would rather stay on the main floor.

I am a loving dog, but not much of a cuddler. I have 3 foster brothers. One tries to snuggle with me all the time. I don’t love it, but I would never tell him that and I would never ever snap at him. I will hop up on a chair or couch to sit with my humans; I hope that is okay with you. I don’t spend a lot of time in my crate during the day, I am free to roam about the house, but I mostly sleep in my favorite chair.

I have a foster sister lab that was rescued from MLRR. She and I get along…we coexist, but we don’t really play much together, she is much older than me though. Oh, I almost forgot! I am completely house trained. I have never had an accident at my foster house, and I know this great trick, if I have to go outside, I put my paw on one of my humans and they know to let me out. My foster family did not teach me this, I already knew how to do it!

Are you interested in adopting me? I’m all healed up and ready to go!

Age: approx. 2 years old
Gender: Male
Color: Black with a white vest
Cats: Not sure, I have not been around any
Dogs: Once I get to know them
Kids: Great with my foster brothers
Crate: Yes
Energy Level: Medium

Original Post Date: April 24, 2018