

LIKES: Lots and lots of pets, please keep them coming! The soothing sounds of your sweet voice. A good head scratch. All the TLC you can give!

DISLIKES: Being a trouble maker - Sasha prefers to be an angel. Yelling and loud talking! Wondering who will be her forever family.

Hi! My name is Sasha. I am a 6-year-old black lab mix. I had been through some hard times when I met my foster family. I had a thin and patchy dull coat and really needed some food. Despite my upsetting past I never took it out on my foster family, especially my 2-year-old human foster sister. I am very patient with her and let her grab my face or look at my teeth whenever she wants. I'm such a good girl!

I already know a few things - sit, shake and how to potty outside. In fact, if you ever stop petting me (please don't), I will offer you my paw to remind you I still need more pets. I am an extremely sweet angel, as my foster mom says, who deserves some TLC and never-ending head scratches and sweet voices.

Sometimes when people come to the door I do a low growl, but I mean no harm. I am simply alerting my foster family of new arrivals and will greet you sweetly and calmly so long as you treat me the same way. I am comfortable with loud household noises but if I hear anyone speak in an upsetting manor (yelling or loud talking), I need to go to a safe place away from it. I hate getting in trouble so I try my very hardest to never be the trouble maker.

I am not a chewer, which is good news! But, I do not understand how to play with toys so maybe you can help me with that. I do, however, enjoy a good run! I really like other dogs and playing chase with them. I am learning how to walk on a leash but I do get excited and pull because there are so many things to smell and explore in this world.

I would really enjoy a family with another dog, and would do well with children of any age. I just require everyone give me a lot of attention with sweet calming voices (although my human foster sister is very loud and screams and that is OK). Oh, and let's please not forget the pets. I require lots and lots of pets! What do you say? Could you be the forever family for me?

Age: 6
Gender: Female
Color: Black
Dogs: Good
Cats: Unknown
Kids: Good
Crate: Free-roaming all the time
Energy level: About a four - generally very chill but Sasha will run around when she has the opportunity

Original Post Date: June 25, 2018