


Hi, I am Maggie. My foster mom calls me Maggie Mae. I don't mean to brag, but people stop me on the street to tell me how beautiful I am. I am silky soft, and I hardly shed at all. I am glad I was rescued because I was getting pretty hungry and I need to gain a few pounds - don't be jealous.

I am the biggest snuggle bunny and love to cuddle up in bed. I love my tennis ball, and any ball really. I get along great with my housemates Bailey and Peanut who are both Labs. I was probably crated outside so I'm not a fan of the crate. A wire sided one might be ok if you have to leave for a few hours until I'm completely potty trained, but I am not destructive at all. I am doing pretty good at this and I've only been in my foster home for a week, but I need to be let out regularly. I am a very quick learner if I may say so myself; a little diligence on my new family’s part will help. I'm sorry but I really don't have any bad habits. I am the ultimate dog as long as you like to snuggle. I like dogs, kids, not sure about cats yet, but I am a great squirrel hunter and boy do they like to tease me. I am a dream on the leash with no pulling at all, and I sure do love my walks.

I would really like someone who has time for me. I haven't had a lot of love and I found out I really like it. Do you think you are a match for me? If you would like to meet me, and are an approved adopter, please email

  • Age: 5
  • Sex: Female
  • Color: Yellow
  • Weight: 35 pounds
  • Dogs: Great
  • Cats: Unknown
  • Children: Good
  • Crate: Not a fan
  • Energy: Low to Moderate

Updated - March 29, 2020

Original post date - Feb. 21, 2020