Hi, my name is Beau. If you are looking for a cuddly dog, I am your guy! I absolutely LOVE to snuggle. I sleep in bed with the grown ups or sometimes the resident high schooler. I LOVE snuggling up on the couch, too. I come when I am called, and at meal time I do a little happy dance because I love getting fed! I have counter surfed twice for dog food, but other than that, I have left the human food alone.
I haven't really barked since I got to my foster home - even when the resident dog barks at passers by from the living room windows, I stay quiet. And, I am really great on walks! Even the 12-year-old girl in my foster family says I am amazing on a leash. I am easy-breezy with other dogs, I don’t even mind when the resident dog, who sometimes gets jealous of me, growls. I am not possessive with toys or food, though I do sometimes steal the resident dog’s food if she hasn’t eaten it all. Hey, if it is leftover, why let it go to waste?!
One quirk of mine, I really don’t like being completely alone - I am much more calm and comfortable when my people, or even other dogs, are around. I chewed on my crate last time I was left completely alone. My foster family is trying to help me like being in the crate better; I keep finding amazing treats in there, so I am beginning to go in with some enthusiasm. I hope my forever home will be in a household where someone can be with me most of the time. I travel well, so I would be happy to go to work with my forever humans. Can you say codependent?
I am fully housebroken, and I am also great when people come over. I don’t jump up on them, although I make sure they know I like to be petted.
I love riding in the car. Nobody needs to ask me twice to go on an adventure! I am currently getting treatment for heartworm, so I am not able to run around as much as I would like. I can’t wait until I am off restricted activity so I can run around and chase balls. I like balls, and I think the beach sounds fun, but I have not gone swimming yet with my foster family.
Are you someone who wants a cuddly, constant companion? I will make an amazing buddy if you give me a forever home! So, what do you say - wanna take me home?
- Age: ~5 years
- Gender: Male
- Color: Black
- Weight: 55 lbs
- Dogs: Good
- Cats: Unknown
- Children: Good
- Crate: Does not love
- Energy: Low to moderate