Likes: Being a good boy! Car rides! Tennis balls and stuffed animals!
Dislikes: Having heartworm. Getting drops in my ears at the vet! Not having a forever home!
Seasons Greetings! My name is Duke. I am a loveable bundle of goodness. I was found in Iowa by a sweet lady who contacted MLRR and I was saved! I made my way up to Illinois and have made quite an impression on everyone I meet.
I am a good boy. I have learned how to go up and down stairs! I never knew what those were. I also learned that my kennel is a soft safe place for me to stay while my humans are away. I go into my kennel and receive a treat! I have learned to sit and wait for my food like a proper young man. I have currently live with 2 cats and they are kind of cool. Who knew? I also live with a fluffy little puppy who loves to snuggle with me on my soft comfy dog bed. My owners sleep in this giant bed and I get a bed all to my own right next to theirs.
I love car rides!
I am not perfect but I am pretty close! I dart out the door to be with my foster humans. I just hate that they walk out that door without me! I want to be with them. I need to remember to wait until my owners say it is OK for me to go outside. The humans put this leash on me and we go for walks. They are always telling me to "wait" or "heal". I am still learning these words. I also see such fun things to put in my mouth. I LOVE tennis balls and stuffed animals! You should see all the white stuff that comes out of those animals!! Humans say that is not good for my belly so I need to play with toys that are STRONG like me.
I just love laying by my humans while they watch this thing on the wall. When they are at the table, I love laying at their feet. My lady human is so special to me. I especially love being by her side at all times. You never know when she will need me! Men are great and give good belly rubs but I am a little scared of them at first. I warm up pretty quickly though because they pet me so nicely. I live with these two young kids and they are great too. They hug me so tight and run by me as I am sleeping.
I have met so many other dogs and big or small I like them all.
I currently have heartworm and my humans are getting that taken care of but it takes time to get rid of these invaders! MLRR promises to take care of these medical expenses if you adopt me. I also still have my boy parts but once the heartworm is gone, those parts will be gone too and covered by MLRR.
If you think I would be a good fit for your home, I would love to meet you. I promise you will love me instantly. I am so handsome and such a good boy. I need a little training but who doesn't? Please contact MLRR and tell them you are ready to meet me!
- Age: 3 years
- Gender: Male
- Color: Yellow
- Weight: 70 pounds
- Dogs: Good
- Cats: Good
- Children: Good with older children
- Crate: Good
- Energy: Low to moderate
Original Post Date: Dec. 8, 2019
Updated Post Date: May 27, 2020