My name is Bandit, and I am a pure bred black and tan Lab. Google it and you will see pictures that look just like me! I am about 18 months old and I came from a breeder in the south. Before I came here, I had never been in a house before. Many things are new to me, like stairs, cars, TV and loud noises! And snow!!! What's up with that stuff??? I am somewhat timid as I am not used to living with people, but once I get to know someone, I am a big cuddle puppy! I love to nap on the couch during the day and sleep in the people bed at night. I never had any toys before, but I am learning to fetch the kong. I have trained my foster Dad to chase me to try to get it back! We have such fun. I am very well mannered; I don't counter surf or chew on things that aren't supposed to be chewed on.
I would love to find a forever home with many people (and maybe a dog) to spend time with me. I have not spent any time in a crate. My foster Dad works from home, and even though I enjoy the run of the house, I spend all of my time at his side. I love to go for walks, but I really enjoy going back home and snuggling up on the couch!
- Age: 18 months
- Gender: Female
- Color: Black and tan
- Weight: 50 lbs
- Dogs: Good
- Cats: Unknown
- Children: Probably good as she is very gentle
- Crate: Unknown
- Energy: Moderate
Original post date - January 13, 2021
Updated - January 17, 2021